In this episode, we ask: What is the “Rich People’s Roth?” Are there required minimum distributions (RMDs) on ROTH IRAs? What other elements make up a ROTH IRA? What accounts have contribution limits? What accounts can you contribute to tax free and take distributions tax free? What’s smaller? The seed or the harvest? Would you...

In this episode, we ask:

What is the “Rich People’s Roth?”
Are there required minimum distributions (RMDs) on ROTH IRAs?
What other elements make up a ROTH IRA?
What accounts have contribution limits?
What accounts can you contribute to tax free and take distributions tax free?
What’s smaller? The seed or the harvest?
Would you like to defer your taxes?
Would you like to pay your taxes now?
Are taxes going up?
How can you get access to a death benefit while you’re still alive?
How do Long Term Care policies work?
Do you need Long Term Care?
What is the average cost of a nursing home today?
Do you know how much your taxes are going to be this year?
Will you get a refund? What happens to the refund?
Can you use a Bank On Yourself policy for taxes?
What about Self Employed individuals?
Would you rather prefer a dollar today or a dollar tomorrow?
Do you have to prove to the IRS that that’s your money?
How will your bigger paycheck affect your taxes?
Have you gone to the IRS website to see what your estimated taxes will be?
Are you giving the IRS a no interest loan?
Are you proud when you receive a tax refund?