In this episode, we ask: Is this what you expected? What happens when you want to buy out your partners? Who is Philip Harris? How did Mark and Philip meet? What was Philip’s first memory of real estate and real estate investing? What about commercial real estate? What about residential real estate? What is Philip’s...

In this episode, we ask:

Is this what you expected?
What happens when you want to buy out your partners?
Who is Philip Harris?
How did Mark and Philip meet?
What was Philip’s first memory of real estate and real estate investing?
What about commercial real estate?
What about residential real estate?
What is Philip’s background?
What did Philip learn from mentors?
Where do you get your energy from?
How did Philip learn about infinite banking?
What about syndication?
How does Philip engage infinite banking / the Bank on Yourself® concept to buy real estate?
How is Philip “syndicating on himself”?
What is syndication?
What are the responsibilities?
What about passive vs. active?
How did Bank on Yourself® factor in to Philip’s strategy in the earlier years?
What are the additional benefits?
Why is this a good fit for Philip?
What are the headaches?
How does Philip’s engineering expertise drive his interest in whole life insurance?
How is boring actually exciting?
What are the goals?
What are the limits?
What about income replacement?
What about diversifying into various property types?
What did Philip realize?
What about eliminating the lender?
Why turn to a lender?
Will Philip become the lender for other borrowers?
What advice does Philip have?
What is prosperity?
Would you like to reach out to Philip at [email protected]?
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What could you do?

Philip Harris, a native of Texas, leveraged a B.S. in Computer Science & Engineering and MBA in Finance into a corporate career of 25 years in Computer Engineering and Support as well as Executive Management. Retiring in 2013, he began pursuing a new career as a commercial real estate investor, after studying under several mentors. Philip initially syndicated three multifamily deals but has since chosen to pursue his fourth (and soon-to-be fifth) deals on his own using a self-banking system and benefits from that approach.