In this episode, we ask: Are dashboard lights flashing red on the economy? What makes the economy go up and down in the first place? What about money? What about saving? What happens when the banks have more funds to lend? What about the changes in interest rates? What about long term decisions? What happens...

In this episode, we ask:

Are dashboard lights flashing red on the economy?
What makes the economy go up and down in the first place?
What about money?
What about saving?
What happens when the banks have more funds to lend?
What about the changes in interest rates?
What about long term decisions?
What happens when things go terribly wrong?
What is artificial?
What about overspending?
What about sustainability?
What about manipulating interest rates?
Which scenario are we living in now?
Who is spending on junk?
What did Ludwig von Mises say?
Have we become drunk with low interest rates?
What about an artificial boom?
What about pushing a beach ball down under water?
Who is the villain?
How does one discover true freedom from the banking system?
How is banking core to the human experience?
What about fractal banking?
How fast do banks loan out your deposits?
What did the Fed worry about in 2020?
Is there hope?
Would you like to meet with Mark?