In this episode, we ask: If you have a sophomore in high school, how much will college cost for a 4 year public university? How does this affect your unique situation? What are the biggest concerns of college planning? What are the deadlines? What mistakes are common? How much time does the college planning process...

In this episode, we ask:

If you have a sophomore in high school, how much will college cost for a 4 year public university?
How does this affect your unique situation?
What are the biggest concerns of college planning?
What are the deadlines?
What mistakes are common?
How much time does the college planning process take?
How are you going to pay for college?
How might you hurt your kid’s chances for going to a certain school?
What about prepaid college tuition?
What are five ways people can pay for college?

Choose a more affordable school
Avoid college entirely

How much will your existing savings ding you?
Are you going to borrow money?
Would you like a tax deduction?
Would you like a fixed payment or an increasing payment?
Would you rather have an interest free loan or a high interest loan?
How do subsidized loans work?
Of the $275 billion in aid, what percentage came out in the form of scholarships?
What is
What are some myths about college planning?
Do you make too much money to pay for college?
Where does your money live?
How does my student’s academic performance affect scholarships?
How do schools factor home equity into the equation?
Why is college planning so time consuming?
Where does the anxiety come from, as we approach the college years?
What about the high school guidance counselor?
What’s the ratio of student to guidance counselor?
What about the college financial aid office counselor?
Did you know the IRS will help you prepare your taxes?
What’s the formula for determining the cost of college?
How do you determine the family need?
Who needs proper college planning?
How does college funding affect retirement?
How do you help your kids get through college without going broke in the process?