In this episode, we ask: What are people saying about annuities? What about supplemental income strategies for retirement? Should alternative income strategies be used in retirement? What about rental income? What about rental income in a pandemic? Is your rental property your annuity? How is this working out? What about Moody’s analytics? How many renters...

In this episode, we ask:

What are people saying about annuities?
What about supplemental income strategies for retirement?
Should alternative income strategies be used in retirement?
What about rental income?
What about rental income in a pandemic?
Is your rental property your annuity?
How is this working out?
What about Moody’s analytics?
How many renters are behind on rent?
What about mom and pop landlords?
What are squatter’s rights?
What about contract law?
What about laddered bonds?
What about taxes?
Have you heard Episode 138?
What about MUNI bonds?
What did Barron’s say?
What did Mark see at the Oriental Museum?
What about liquidity?
What is a Single Premium Immediate Annuity (a SPIA)?
What about inflation?
What about the Mack Truck factor?
What have the insurers done with the annuity gotchas?
What is the fixed indexed annuity?
Have you heard Episode 80?
What about income?
What about a steady stream of income in retirement?
How does one fund an annuity?
What are the choices?
What are the tradeoffs?
What are the protections?
What about qualified and non qualified plans?
How does a fixed annuity address the liquidity problem?
Who has the cash?
What is an idea for liquidity?
What about the inflation problem?
Can you lose money due to market fluctuations?
What about the participation rate?
What about an inflation protection hedge?
What about competitive market returns without loss?
What about increasing income in retirement?
What about a pay raise in retirement?
What about a guaranteed minimum income for life?
What about the insurers addressing the Mack Truck factor?
What about gifting the unspent lump sum to your beneficiaries?
What about nursing home care?
What about double income payments in a qualified care facility?
Do you have a bond that can do that?
Do you have a rental property that can do that?
What are the benefits of the indexed annuity?
What are the downsides?
What are the risks?
Who is an indexed annuity good for?
What about medium and long term savings goals?
What about short term goals?
What do you want your money to do for you?
Who are indexed annuities NOT good for?
What about surrender charges?
What about liquidity?
Would you like to meet with Mark?
What about looking at your Social Security benefits online?
Do you have a plan for long term care?
Do you have a plan for your home equity?
How might your home equity support you in retirement?
Do you still need to buy stuff?
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