In this episode, we ask: Who is Ros Kaspi? What’s her story and background? What were people telling Ros? What caused Ros to change tracks? Where did Ros find her opportunity? What caused Ros to go out as an entrepreneur? What about yoga? What about a retreat? What about a bed and breakfast? What did...

In this episode, we ask:

Who is Ros Kaspi?
What’s her story and background?
What were people telling Ros?
What caused Ros to change tracks?
Where did Ros find her opportunity?
What caused Ros to go out as an entrepreneur?
What about yoga?
What about a retreat?
What about a bed and breakfast?
What did Ros learn about opening a business?
Who was on her team?
What happened to her father?
What did Ros do in Chicago, and what did she learn?
What about happiness?
What about credit cards?
How is Israel different from the U.S., regarding credit cards?
What about Bank on Yourself type whole life insurance policies?
What about property?
What about real estate?
What’s an amazing way to buy property?
What was it like learning about the Bank on Yourself strategy?
What about the portfolio of policies?
How have the current events impacted her tenants?
Has the coronavirus impacted her income?
How has her perspective changed around money?
How is an employee mindset different from an entrepreneurial mindset?
How might your money work for you?
What does Ros love about Mark?
What about talking through ideas?
What about getting good feedback?
Do you have a personal financial advisor who is always there for you?
Is your financial advisor available?
What would Ros say to someone who is concerned about being too old?
How did Ros purchase a policy?
How did Ros purchase a cash property?
What are the things that intrigued Ros?
What other nuggets of wisdom does Ros have to share?
What other feedback does Ros have?
What about a “win the lottery” joke?
Do you move your feet?
How much do you want to make?
What direction do you want to go?
What about Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield and the mastermind group?
Isn’t that amazing?
How might we overcome obstacles?
If you could not leave money to your children or to the world, but only principles, habits and ideas to achieve success, what would those be?
Would you like to reach out to Ros? Email her at [email protected]!
Have you been sucked into financially difficulty?
What’s the next first step?
Are you the boss of your money?
Is your money ‘your employee’?
What does Ros want to add about the tax benefits?
What about the mastermind?
What’s the difference between success and failure?
What’s the difference between being alone and being together?

A world traveler, Ros Kaspi was born in Chicago, lived in Tel Aviv for many years, and in 2004 came back to Chicago to take care of her mother who just reached 99.

A business woman, an entrepreneur and Manager of a global company, she has experience and expertise. She studied Life Coaching with Bob Proctor and used his teachings to create Mastermind groups.

In recent years she has turned to real estate, purchasing condos, while using Bank on Yourself type whole life insurance policies to reach her real estate goals. Would you like to reach out to Ros? Email her at [email protected].