In this episode, we ask: Are bonds safer than stocks? Are you rethinking your philosophy towards finances? Do you watch financial advice on TV? What is a blend of stocks and bonds? Why do people believe in the blend of a 60/40 split? What is asset allocation? What does it mean when something is negatively...

In this episode, we ask:

Are bonds safer than stocks?
Are you rethinking your philosophy towards finances?
Do you watch financial advice on TV?
What is a blend of stocks and bonds?
Why do people believe in the blend of a 60/40 split?
What is asset allocation?
What does it mean when something is negatively correlated?
What is the 100 minus age rule?
What is a declining equity glide path?
Which option gives the worst outcomes?
Do you have a target date fund inside of your retirement funds?
Are bonds really the safe money alternative?
What about falling interest rates?
How do bonds work?
How do bond prices improve?
Do bonds have risk?
What happens when interest rates go up?
What is the key question driving investors?
Do you have a 401(k) or an IRA?
What about the risk?
Why do you expect the stock market to get you a better return than a savings account?
How are bonds like loans?
Are interest rates likely to go up?
Do you want to put money in something that’s “at the top”?
How can you know what’s most likely to happen with interest rates?
What happens when interest rates go up?
What happens with bond principal in relation to interest rates?
Can we control interest rates?
What about the “deadline” on the bond?
What happens with a 1% increase?
What happens with a 2% increase?
How does the risk go up?
What else can we do?
What about the volatility?
What about the risks baked into bonds?
What happens if a bond is called?
Would you like to reach out?
What are some alternative to bonds?
What is recurring premium whole life insurance?
What happens with compounding?
What happens when you need cash, with liquidity?
What about dollar cost averaging?
What about guarantees?
What about annuities?
What about the tax treatment?
What about single premium whole life insurance?
Have you heard Episode 91?
What about the tax treatment?
What about the potential penalties?
What is your risk score and how does it line up with your goals and objectives?
Would you like to know your risk score?
Would you like us to run your numbers?
What are people saying?
What does a realistic budget look like?

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