In this episode, we ask: Would you like a better sense of control and purpose? Why does anyone do the thing that is not in their best interest? Is there a lack of information? What controls our unconscious? How many of our decisions come out of our unconscious? What beliefs do you have about money?...

In this episode, we ask:

Would you like a better sense of control and purpose?
Why does anyone do the thing that is not in their best interest?
Is there a lack of information?
What controls our unconscious?
How many of our decisions come out of our unconscious?
What beliefs do you have about money?
Is money the root of all evil?
Will your spouse take care of you?
Are you good with numbers? Do your eyes glaze over?
What do beliefs lead to?
What is the B-E-A-R trap?
What did Fortune magazine say?
What about the lottery winners?
Where do lottery winnings go?
What are the four exit ramps off the B-E-A-R trap?

What about Beliefs?
How many original thoughts do you think each day?
How often do you think about money?
What do we believe about money?
Do you journal?

What do you truly believe?
Have you written your beliefs down before?
Where do each of these beliefs come from?
What would your life be life if these beliefs didn’t exist?

What about mirror neurons?
What about Jim Rohn?
What about Excuses and Effort?

How might you move from resentment to gratitude?
What have you done already?
What worked? What didn’t work?

What did Dan Sullivan say?
What about Actions?

Who are the new people?
Who do you look up to?
Do you budget?

Do you track your financial structures with software like You Need A Budget?

What about Results?

Why do I handle money this way?
What about relationships?
What about health?
What about hobbies?

What’s the upward spiral?
Can you change your beliefs?
Do you have to retrain your mind?
What did the Dalai Lama say?
Do we all start with the same potential?
Do we all get the exact same 24 hours?
Do you believe that we all have the same potential?
What are you doing with that potential?
What about activated potential?
What one action can you do today?
How can you move to massive action (over time)?
What is the goal?
What is the one thing I can do today,

toward my goal,

such that by doing it,

everything becomes

easier or unnecessary?
What is a distraction?
What about results?
What went right last week?
What went wrong last week?
What can you improve based on what you learned?
What is the Keep Improve Start Stop (K.I.S.S.) method?
How do you come back to belief?
How do you see yourself?
What is a weekly preview?
What is a weekly review?
What are the 3-5 major accomplishments you feel good about?
What is the one thing I can do today,

toward my goal,

such that by doing it,

everything becomes

easier or unnecessary?
What went right?
What went wrong?
What is the Full Focus Planner?
Do you have a physical journal?
What are people saying?
Would you like a FREE book?
Would you like to answer our question of the month?

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What does a realistic budget look like?