The next full moon is Tuesday, January 18th 2022 - this is your guide on how to use the power of the full moon, and how we can use this moon's powers to help us let go of what's no longer serving us. I also do a three card intuitive pull asking us for guidance on the upcoming moon!

Tune in and experience the aligned power !

Manifest and Move Through Your Blocks Quicker.
Join Us for the Next Moon Vibes Experience! Amplify Your Manifesting by Harnessing the Power of the Moon. Your manifesting is incredibly powerful but, have you ever felt like a piece was missing?  Like you were missing something when it comes to your manifesting abilities?  Using the power of the moon is the answer.

Because it amplifies your manifesting.
* You can move through your blocks quicker
*You can manifest your goals faster
* Live your dreams sooner

That's why my clients and I love these monthly moon experiences. Join us here!