Welcome back to another episode of the podcast. Today we are diving head first into the struggle mentality. You know the one where you think things always have to be done the hard way in order to be successful. Or I have to struggle before I can be successful. We are talking all about how some of these mentalities are generational, past lives, and how we can clear these blocks from our current reality.

Ready to clear the blocks and your struggle mentality?

My one on one coaching is open for the month of March.
When you work with someone like me, we begin to heal your energy, we talk through it your struggle mentality, and I give you tools on how to course correct. How to choose your thoughts and get them to work for you! Yes, they can work for you in case you had like an aha moment there, get them to work for you instead of against you.

Send me a DM on Instagram @lesleyandcoxo