Welcome to SEASON FOUR! Moms, this season is going to be extra exciting because we have a whole season dedicated to you. Just like the kids are going back to school, it's time for us to go back in a sense. We are going to be taking you back to basics. Think back to school meets energy work or your business. I'm gonna talk about five different tools and things to do each week here on the podcast. These tools are going to change your life. The first episode is all about rituals and routines to thrive in life and business!

I also spill a mini challenge that you are going to want to join in on! TUNE IN for the details.

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I have unlocked spots in my private program The Vortex. This program is a six month long container where we go over strategy, mindset, and energetics. We literally transport you to another dimension (one where you are living your dreams). To learn more send me a DM @lesleyandcoxo and enquire about our no-brainer VIP option!