MQFF help pinkwash apartheid, Dani Laidley returns as a hero, and the Victorian Pride Lobby release a massive report on LGBTIQA+ people's feelings toward police.


The Melbourne Queer Film Festival were asked to drop a pink-washing Israli film, and join in BDS against the aparthied state.
They didn’t, saying they wanted to remain “apolitical”.
The push to remove the film was spearheaded by Queer Palestinians like Lujayn Hourani.
MQFF co-president Molly Whelan and board member Nayuka Gorrie have resigned over the festival’s decision.

Returning hero
Former North Melbourne coach Dani Laidley returned to speak at the football club, representing her “old tribe and new tribe”.
Dani was outed as trans by police, who leaked photos and made transphobic comments.

Pride lobby
The Victorian Pride lobby surveyed 1,500 LGBTIQA+ people to understand their feelings towards police.
In 2019, police raided queer bookshop Hares & Hyenas, breaking a man’s arm (they also had the wrong address).
IBAC found it was okay though.
Get cops out of pride.