Heroes keep stopping coal trains, Scott Morrison has never told a lie and Australia wins at Climate Golf.

Hero watch
Direct action works. Blockade Australia are repeatedly shutting down train lines from coal mines.
Blockade Australia are planning a massive disruption in Sydney on June 27th.
Every Time I Die — People Verses

Never lying
Scott Morrison says he has never told a lie in public.
This follows him backtracking on some of his electric vehicles policies.
We’re in a “post-reality-based community” world.
Pauline Hanson’s campaign released a piece of political propaganda. Not gonna link to it.

Climate Change Performance
Australia scored a big fat zero in Greenhouse Gas Per Capita in the The Climate Change Performance Index.
Labor’s Chris Bowen framed this as “Australia’s biggest economic opportunity”.
Ex-Wallabies captain David Pocock compared fossil fuel advertising to cigarette sponsorship.
The AFLW league is heavily sponsored by BHP.
The Government’s “Plan” for getting to Net Zero is extremely bad. For one thing it doesn’t even get to zero.
It’s “slow, lazy and shockingly irresponsible”.
Meanwhile, Tuvalu is investigating legal ways they can maintain their maritime territories if the island is submerged.

Solidarity with staff from Better Read Than Dead are back on strike after management reneged on their promises for a new deal.
Shoutout to the Toll workers who struck in seven warehouses for better pay. They won!
On the 20th of November, the Campaign Against Racism and Fascism are counterprotesting the antivax nutjobs.

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