On this episode of Not Another! Real Estate Investing Podcast (co-hosted by Brian Davis, of Offer Automation and Davis Real Estate, and Dan Riendeau), you’ll hear Part Two of your hosts’ interview with noted entrepreneur, expert marketer, and successful real estate investor Michael Quarles. Michael Quarles’s innovative, time-tested marketing strategies can help you make more deals and earn more money, so listen up!

What you’ll learn from this episode:

- How Brian is putting Michael Quarles’s direct mail advice to use (0:56)

- How to decide between sending a yellow letter and a postcard to prospective sellers (2:28)

- Why any phone call – even a “take me off your list” call – is valuable (4:03)

- Why Michael Quarles started his company Call Text, which provides systemization solutions for small businesses (4:29)

- How virtual marketing has changed the game for savvy real estate investors (8:28)

- How to find a realtor to help you with concurrent closing – legally and ethically (9:33)

- The pros and cons of different marketing strategies – and why direct mail is still #1 for Michael Quarles (13:22)

- All about Michael Quarles’s social media marketing strategies (14:56)

- An in-depth look at how Michael Quarles follows up on leads (16:27)

- What you need to know about negotiating – and why buyers need sales skills (22:49)

- The three words Michael Quarles wants all entrepreneurs to ban from their vocabularies – and the one word that should replace them (24:24)

Got feedback for our podcast team? Want to learn more about marketing strategies, direct mail, systemization, or increasing your earnings as a real estate investor? Looking for a real estate partner in Connecticut? Just want to learn more about Brian Davis and Offer Automation? Get in touch with Brian by phone at (860) 919-6996 or by email at [email protected], or find us online at http://www.OfferAutomation.com. You can also find Michael Quarles online at http://www.MichaelQuarles.com.

Catch up on previous episodes of your new favorite podcast, Not Another! Real Estate Investing Podcast, on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDg952QTPbLEHRFwqGpkdHQ) or SoundCloud (https://soundcloud.com/brian-davis-741151344). We’re also on iTunes/Apple Podcasts and Google Play.

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