Its time for this weeks SEO & Social Media tips. Every week I bring you an in-depth look at all my weekly tips and you can find see the tips first on my Twitter account.

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Here’s the tips:

Google is down 1 Billion PC searches from 2014. Think mobile first when creating content & social media

Put Live Chat on your website. It doesn’t have to be on day. Monitor from mobile & write down questions. Turn them into content

Use All In One SEO or Yoast to control SEO on your WordPress website. Write specific titles & descriptions for every page

Check the font size & spacing on your mobile menu. Make sure you can’t thumb the wrong link

Make sure links in the comments section of your blog use the NoFollow tag. Encourage engagement & not spam

Create information based social media posts & schedule them. 2 x Twitter & 1 x Facebook every day

Use to convert existing blog posts into video chats. Record yourself or invite a guest

Just had a website redesign? Make sure 301 redirects are in place & submit your sitemap.xml to the search console

Make sure your Evergreen content is constantly on live post-rotation for all your social media platforms

Its important to be consistent on social media. Don’t wing it! Plan ahead & take advantage of scheduling tools

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