Its time for this weeks SEO & Social Media tips. Every week I bring you an in-depth look at all my weekly tips and you can find see the tips first on my Twitter account.

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Here’s the tips:

If you’ve just had a website redesign make sure the test domain is taken down quickly & use NOINDEX

If you want everyone to hear your message on Twitter put a word, full stop or character in front of the @

More than half of Google searches happen on mobile. Grab your phone right now & test your site!

Share your workspace/office on Social Media. People are nosy & like to mooch at your desk

Don’t use bullet lists AS your content. Write good content & use bullets to highlight points.

When new staff join, announce them on Social Media. Connect with your followers & show then you’re active.

Website white space is important. It makes content easier to read & keeps people on your site longer.

Cross promote your social networks. Create a schedule on Hootsuite or Buffer automate it.

Mention another blog post in every blog post! Help people discover more of your content.

Use stats in your social media posts to reinforce a point. But make it a useful stat that your followers can identify with.

Twitter Mentions