Experimenting with a new studio(!) set up this week so apologies for a few pops…. turning the mic gain down a bit for next week.

Here’s a in-depth look at all the SEO & Social Media tips from my Twitter account for the week ending 22nd May 2015.

Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for all the latest tips and watch out for the podcast every Friday.

Re-purpose blog content into audio, video, pdf’s, slideshow etc. Get the most from a post!
We’ll soon be searching by voice. Make sure your content is answering why’s and how to’s.
Don’t buy likes & follows. In the long run its not worth it. They don’t care about you.
Web page code extensions (.php or .html) don’t matter but try to make your URL as friendly for the user as possible.
Share other people’s content on Social Media but only if you think its of interest to your followers.
Keep your XML sitemap up to date. Get a plugin for your CMS to automate the process.
You are not your customer. Create a persona so you target Social Media posts at the right people.
Backup your website… a lot. All your search spots could go if you have to start from scratch.
Get a personal Twitter handle & keep your business account just for business.
Set-up a useful 404 error page. Add a search box & use it to keep people on your website.

Twitter Mentions