This weeks SEO and Social Media tips podcast is now live and I’ve spent quite a bit of time this week talking about page speed. With the big Google mobile update almost out in the wild having a fast loading website on mobile (and desktop) is really important so I hope you find the tips useful.

Hit play on the Podcast above to get an in depth view on all the tips.

You can see the tips first every day on my Twitter feed so give it a follow!

Here’s the tips.

Decide on a social media attitude for your business so everyone sings from the same hymn sheet.
You can now DM anyone one Twitter. Great for customer service but be careful how you use it.
Move non essential Javascript to the bottom of your page to speed things up for the visitor.
Listen for your brand name on Twitter without the @ symbol. What are poeple saying about you?
Minify you Javascript & CSS for better page loading speeds.
The big Google mobile update is nearly done. Use Analytics & Webmaster Tools to see if you’ve been hit.
Use the browser caching to help speed up your web pages load times.
Share your content more than once on Twitter. Its a bit like radio, everyone’s not listening all the time.
If you generate a lot of traffic think about using a Content Delivery Network to speed up your site.
Do some A/B testing with your posts social media to see which format works best.

Twitter Mentions