Here’s all my SEO and Social Media tips for the week ending 17th April 2015.

Hit play on the Podcast above to get an in depth view on all the tips.

You can see the tips first every day on my Twitter feed so give it a follow!

Don’t use auto responders on Twitter to say hi to new followers. Do it manually!
You can use Google Analytics to track individual Tweets & Posts.
Create an Editorial Calendar for your blog. Never be stuck for ideas & keep the content flowing.
Develop an SEO attitude. Create a well written & structured website that’s designed for humans!
If you buy online advertising make sure rel=”nofollow” is used to protect from Penguins!
Keep your Social Media profiles consistent. Use the same avatars & logo’s so you’ll be easier to spot.
Don’t forget ALT tags on all images. Use it to describe the picture & don’t fill it with keywords!
Add your competition to a Twitter list and watch they are up to. You don’t have to follow them.
Be visual with your Social Media. Try to add an image or video every time.
Go back to basics. Why did you start your business? Don’t lose focus & exploit your niche.


Twitter Mentions