Its been a while since I’ve tweeted regular SEO and Social Media tips so last week I made some time and got it sorted!

Here’s all my SEO and Social Media tips for the week 9th – 13th March 2015.

I’ve also had a load of fun putting together a podcast of all the tips and hope to do this on a regular basis. You can listen to the podcast right now or download it for later, it goes into more detail on each of the tips.

Follow me on Twitter to see the latest tips first.

Here’s The Tips!

Don’t make every Social Media post a sales post. 4 out of 5 should be trying to engage.
Follow @sengineland on Twitter so you know when Google does stuff.
Add some pictures & video to your LinkedIn profile. Show off what you do.
Show your tag some love. PEOPLE engage with it in Search Results & all over Social Media.
Work on at least 6 blog posts at any time. 1/2 done is almost finished. Will help you post more consistently.
Analyse old Social Media posts to see what’s worked & where. Then rinse & repeat.
For great results target your content to specific Social Media channels. Run separate campaigns.
Consistency wins. Be regular with your blog posts & Social Media
Add more than 1 image to a Tweet & a cool gallery appears Twitter
Having a mobile friendly website is VITAL! Check yours here.

I hope you’ve found these tips useful. Don’t forget to follow me on Twitter for more tips every day.

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