Here’s this weeks in-depth look at my SEO & Social Media tips that are published every day on my Twitter feed.

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Here’s this weeks tips!

Having a keyword rich domain won’t really help or hinder your rankings but it could be good for your visitors – say what you do.
Brainstorm social media content ideas with others. Two heads usually brings better ideas & more creativity.
Check out HTML suggestions in Google Search Console. Lots of hints on where to improve your site.
Upload your videos to Facebook. Don’t just embed from YouTube. Facebook is going big on video.
Bing also has a Webmaster Tools. Check out search queries & clicks, submit your sitemap & more
Organise followers into lists on Twitter & circles on Google+. It’s MUCH easier to spot conversations & engage
Check out the Data Highlighter in Google Search Console. Its an easy way to help Google understand more about your page.
Update your banner backgrounds on a regular basis. Freshen things up. Reflect seasons & trends.
Check all your social media platforms blog posts so you don’t miss out on new features then take advantage of them
Don’t forget your old blog posts. Tweet them, post them, pin them and update them if needed.

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