Its time for more SEO & Social Media Tips!

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Here’s the tips…

Twitter finally removes 140 character limit from direct messages. This is great for customer service.
Use a proper comment system on your blog. Disqus sends notifications & brings people back!
Check which blog posts perform really well & write a continuation. Link the two together.
Look at your competitors followers. Follow them & some will follow back. You’ve now got a more targeted audience.
Lots of keywords in your URL won’t help your SEO. Think of the user & make URL’s friendly and descriptive.
Use video on your ecommerce product pages. Search YouTube or make your own.
Be proactive on Twitter and search out customer questions. Be personal & you’ll have a new fan of your brand!
Write Evergreen content for your blog. Make sure it doesn’t age & you can repost it 2 years from now.
Secure your social media. Use LONG passwords, 2 factor authentication & an online password keeper.
Have a screen free weekend every now and then. No phone/social media/tablet/laptop! You’ll be refreshed for Monday!