Its time for an in-depth look at this weeks SEO & Social Media tips. You can find see the tips first on my Twitter account.

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Here’s the tips:

Facebook starts rolling out video profiles. Use them to create more trust & make people like you!

Use a power/sell word or call to action in your Title tag to help generate more clicks.

Plan your social media engagement time so you don’t miss questions & lose opportunities.

Make sure your hosting is up to scratch. Server errors can effect your search rankings.

Google Penguin update could be coming soon. Make sure your links are in order. Audit now!

Having a Social media crisis? Be honest, personal & quick with your responses. Don’t hide!

Don’t just build links to your home page. Most quality links should hit internal pages.

Use IFTTT to monitor your brand name & auto favourite any mentions for you to check later.

People DO read long form content. 2000 words in a blog post is NOT a problem. Great for SEO.

Facebook notes gets formatting enhancements. Create a mini blog for your followers.

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