Learn more in pillar 4 of the Physiologic Flexibility Cert HERE

The main questions are

- What do we mean by oxygen delivery and oxygen saturation, and what is the relationship?
- Do we actually need to bring in MORE oxygen during exercise via respiration? What does efficiency of breathing look like? 
- What happens to CO2 levels during exercise, are we offloading too much? 
- What does “increased oxygen delivery” actually look like compared to sub-optimal oxygen delivery? Aerobic vs. anaerobic. 
- Do we have any way to quantify CO2 tolerance right now? If so, normative values? 
- Are people with hyperactive nervous system (anxiety, panic disorder, etc.) more likely to rely on anaerobic pathways quicker? (Low CO2 tolerance -> overbreathe -> low O2 delivery -> anaerobic?)

If you want a useable framework for these concepts, check out Pilar 4 in the Physiologic Flexibility Cert HERE as it is all on air- O2 and CO2.  

Also check out these podcasts I've done in the past:

Interview with James Nestor, author of “Breath: The New Science of a Lost Art

Episode 182: REBROADCAST: Cranial Face Structures, Nasal Breathing, Orthodontics, Tongue Position, and More Unlikely Performance Limiters: Interview with Zac Cupples

Physiologic Reserve, Nasal Breathing, Stress, and James Cerbie interviews Dr Mike T and Dr Tommy Wood