Ben Nemtin is a Canadian producer, writer, speaker, and television personality. Ben Nemtin was born in Victoria, British Columbia. After graduating high school, Nemtin was selected as a member of the Under 19 Canadian national rugby team and earned academic and athletic scholarships to attend the University of Victoria. At University, fed up with the monotony of day-to-day life, Nemtin and his friends set out on a two-week road trip with a camera and a borrowed RV to complete a list of "100 things to do before you die." Along their journey, they asked people the question, "What do you want to do before you die?" For each item they accomplished on their list, they helped a complete stranger do something on their own list. Ben and his friend’s journey gathered attention, so the idea was picked up as a television show on MTV, The Buried Life, of which he is the creator, executive producer, and cast member. Nemtin is co-author of the book, What Do You Want To Do Before You Die?, which entered The New York Times Best Seller list. The show is no longer on air but Ben continues to use those ideals as well as the topic of mental health which he shares as one of the most sought-after keynote speakers.

→IN THIS EPISODE… Joe talks with Ben about his journey from the pressure of being a collegiate athlete to discovering a quest for a deeper meaning for life through his MTV show, The Buried Life. Ben discusses goal setting, making bucket lists, and mental health. Ben provides many actionable ways you can get started today living your most fulfilling life, and not a life of longing or living vicariously through others.


🔍 Breakdown with Ben Nemtin:


Chapter 1 (0:00​) Introducing Ben Nemtin

Joe introduces Ben.


Chapter 2 (1:50) From national rugby to The Buried Life

Ben tells Joe about the peaks and the large valley that took him from a top rugby athlete to exploring more of what life has to offer with his friends.


Chapter 3 (6:07​) Surround yourself with friends

Diving deeper, Ben explores how he was able to surround himself with the right people who helped inspire and motivate him.


Chapter 4 (18:03) Brain fitness

Changing the stigma of mental health and being able to talk about it and seek help for it, Ben speaks out about changing the narrative.


Chapter 5 (23:14) What to do after achievement

Creating your list should evolve as you evolve, so ideally there will not be a moment when you are done.  Your list should be a reflection of you and fulfilling continually.


Chapter 6 (26:54) Accountability for your goals

76% of people feel they lived a life for someone else, and not themselves. Ben explains how important it is to have an accountability partner to ensure you are completing the goals you set for yourself.

Chapter 7 (​30:14) 30 over 3

Joe shares a plan he started with his wife. This framework is set so ⅓ is about you, ⅓ is about your family, and ⅓ is about giving back. Joe has this templated framework available for you to download on


Chapter 8 (​32:20) Most significant gift

There have been so many opportunities to provide life-changing gifts for people over the years, and Ben shares his most memorable including giving a girl a bionic hand.


Chapter 9 (42:28) Managing your time

How you can carve out time if you find yourself thinking you don’t have enough time in your day. Ben gives actionable advice on how to do that, and it begins with prioritizing your day.


Chapter 10 (46:18) Speed round questions

Ben answers Joe’s questions about who inspires him, his favorite book, and more.


Chapter 11 (49:37) Wrap-Up

Joe concludes the episodes and provides a tool through the Not Almost There website to help with your own goals/bucket list


Material Referenced in this interview:

→What Do You Want To Do Before You Die? By Ben Nemtin


📞 Connect with Ben







👊 To learn more about Not Almost There by visiting this link 

→ Not Almost There


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