The price of corn in the 18th century has certainly piqued the interest of Nghia Mai and I when we discuss what does "Oh that is interesting" really means in a social setting. He has shared the reasons why certain stories he chose that matters to be in his thesis and why big characters in the history which had spotlight regularly shining down on them. He kind of explain why history can be regularly be disputed and how that affects his research. He also drops the secret behind getting rich with historical books! ThE ShOckIng TrUTh! 

We of course talks about comedy. The ones that we like, the ones that kinda annoyed us and what we think about Asian comedy in the west. We also predicted the amount of jokes about the pandemic that will be talked about when the show opens up while trying to workshopped a few of our own. I think at some point we also tries to figure out the reasons why watching and staying throughout the whole show and making friends with other comedians plays an essential part of building our comedy career. We too get to also explain why comedy plays an important part and how this chat had essentially became the highlight for his day.