Welcome to the first podcast of the year of Bidoof! Tom and Pip are joined by Average Gamer’s Debbie Timmins to talk about what games we got over Christmas. Mostly what Tom got, since he just couldn’t control himself in the Steam sale. Topics discussed include how great a name Cook Serve Delicious is, what’s […]

Welcome to the first podcast of the year of Bidoof! Tom and Pip are joined by Average Gamer’s Debbie Timmins to talk about what games we got over Christmas. Mostly what Tom got, since he just couldn’t control himself in the Steam sale. Topics discussed include how great a name Cook Serve Delicious is, what’s wrong with Alpha Protocol, the temptation of bees in Don’t’ Starve and why Pip is a terrible badger mother in Shelter. Also Tom explains the geeky thrill of slowly disassembling Risk Legacy, and we diss David Cage again. Sorry about that Dave.

Pip’s home nebula in Endless Space.
Cara on Shelter.
Sherlock Holmes is public domain now.
Speaking of upcoming games, Tom helped write PC Gamer’s mammoth games of 2014 article.
Kotaku takes a look back at the Year of Luigi.
The Average Gamer podcast on Xbox One and Kinect is kinda creepy.
Since we recorded this, Cara has launched a Patreon. You should donate to it.

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