Merry Podmas, one and all! For our last cast of 2013 Pip and Tom are joined by Phil Savage to talk about the year that was 2013 and the year that will be 2014, aka The Year of Bidoof. Tom waxes lyrical about the balls of Frozen Endzone, Phil introduces us IGF hopefuls Jazzpunk, Custard […]

Merry Podmas, one and all! For our last cast of 2013 Pip and Tom are joined by Phil Savage to talk about the year that was 2013 and the year that will be 2014, aka The Year of Bidoof. Tom waxes lyrical about the balls of Frozen Endzone, Phil introduces us IGF hopefuls Jazzpunk, Custard Puncher, Quadrilateral Cowboy and Crypt of the Necrodancer and Pip invents a bold new buzzword for 2014. Plus we answer a fuckton of questions, Pip gets pervy about Venomancer and Tom sneaks in some pen and paper RPGs talk when nobody’s looking.

Owen Hill’s CS Story.
Phil on Jazzpunk
FTL is expanding.
Crypt of the Necrodancer.
One Life Left is an inferior podcast that hosts good parties.
Get this mod to play both Baldur’s Gate games as one.
George Buckingham’s Punch the Custard

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