24 years ago during candlelighting erev Yom Kippur, Chanie Bochner made the decision that she wanted to help others who were going through the same struggle as she was. What started as a grass-roots effort to support couples experiencing infertility morphed into an international organization that to date, has helped bring over 10,000 babies into this world.

For this episode, we have the honor of speaking with Chanie Bochner who founded Bonei Olam. Bonei Olam is a Jewish organization that provides millions of dollars annually in fertility treatment funding. They leave no stone unturned to help couples achieve the dream of parenthood. They also provide various levels of support to couples facing infertility, from medical referrals to counselor support. Bonei Olam is also the founder of the incredible V’zakeini initiative that has almost 50,000 women donating a dollar at candlelighting to support couples infertility treatments. Chanie tells us about her personal journey and how she started Bonei Olam.

By the end of today’s episode, we hope you walk away inspired by Chanie Bochner’s story and have a greater understanding and sensitivity to the experience of those who struggle with infertility. If you yourself struggle with infertility, we hope you gain chizuk from this conversation with the woman who has helped so many Jewish couples make their dream of parenthood come true. We also hope you appreciate Chanie’s comments about what she wants people to understand about the experience of couples facing infertility.

We’d love to hear from you. You can find Deep Meaningful Conversations on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or you can email us at [email protected].

Show notes:

Bonei Olam’s website:


V’zakeini initiative:

Vzakeini - A Project of Bonei Olam

Kesher Networks Shidduch Initiative:



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