Parenting is all-encompassing and all-consuming, even if you’re not a helicopter parent. At the very bare minimum, we are tasked with keeping our offspring alive. Yet we also want to facilitate our children’s emotional, spiritual, psychological, physical, social and academic growth! And we very much don’t want to hinder their growth and development with our mistakes, missteps and full-blown fails.

Enter Blimie Heller with her compassionate unconditional parenting approach, and parenting feels a lot more manageable. We’re grateful that Blimie shares her wisdom with us on this episode of DMC about how to be more compassionate towards our children in understanding the root of behaviors, as well as how to be more compassionate towards ourselves in our parenting journeys.

In our conversation with Blimie, we discuss:

what unconditional parenting is and how she discovered it
strengthening the parent/child relationship
the power of empathy in parenting
dealing with feelings of failure in parenting
how to see the root causes driving children’s behavior

We’d love to hear from you. You can find Deep Meaningful Conversations on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter, or you can email us at [email protected].

Show notes:

Blimie’s website:

On instagram as @unconditional_parenting

Blimie’s book recommendations:

Unconditional Parenting by Alfie Kohn 

Hold On To Your Kids by Dr. Gordon Neufeld

Non-Violent Communication by  Dr. Marshall Rosenberg


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