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Nonprofits are supported by people at all stages of life. When we invite more conversations about legacy, we help the people who care about their mission consider how they can support the causes they care about when they aren't here anymore. In this episode, Nancy and Sarah reflect on some lessons Nancy learned with her mother's passing. They discuss:

Why it is helpful to have a fundraising strategy that offers many ways to support across donor life stagesWhat a nonprofit can do to encourage donors to create a will, which most Americans don't have in place (according to )How to have conversations about legacy with people in the last stages of their lives

Your donors care about your mission. They want you to continue to achieve your mission after they are no longer around to write checks or show up at events. When you invite conversations about legacy into your organization, you invite the stories that remind us why people care about what we do. It is a gift to donors to hear those stories and give them ways to act on their legacy. You got this. 

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You got this.