I’ve met many people who’ve chosen the safer path rather than the path less traveled. Brent Estabrook abandoned his dental profession the day after graduation. In this episode, Brent told his story of achieving overnight success as a painter in the face of serious debt, doubt, and struggle. He hopes that this story will inspire others to pursue what excites them in life… to follow their childhood dreams to do what undeniably makes them as happy as possible. Brent also shared the key champions, the bold moves he made in the early days, and the advice to help other aspirational artists succeed in the digital age.

We talked about:

How to thrive as an artist in spite of the fearful momentsHis three morning rituals to gain more confidence, more creativityHow ayahuasca ceremony was a huge catalyst for his successHow he made the jump from dental school grad with $400k debt to a full-time 6-figure artistThe teaching Nobu gave himHis advice to starting artists3 categories of artistsThe bold moves he made in the early days


"If these people are doing it, why not me""Once you find what you love to do, you can overcome any interferences""Find out what you love doing, that passion will drive you""Confidence will differentiate you as a top artist""The more you do it the better you get; the better you get the more you enjoy doing"


Brent Estabrook's websiteBrent Estabrook's IG

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Website | https://www.cklin.com

Coaching | http://www.chatwithck.com