In this episode I interview Dan Godeassi, a Physiotherapist and Strength & Conditioning Coach who runs his own business and works out of Melbourne Strength Culture. Dan has knowledge in both the Physio and S&C side of things which gives him a unique perspective when treating athletes.


In this episode we discussed…     


Passive treatments (massage, dry needling, etc.) vs active treatments (exercise prescription, rehab, reconditioning, etc.) and why he pushes for active treatments


The misconceptions about resting after injury and why you should probably be doing something over nothing


The big gap between being “done with rehab” and “game ready”. There is a big space between those that needs to be addressed that he talks about.


The two professions of Physio and S&C. How he feels the athlete can get the best out of both as well as how he feels both practitioners can work together to get the best for the athlete.


He gives his perspective of how he treats along the continuum of both being both a S&C Coach and Physio.


And more.


Contact Dan below…

Email: [email protected]

Instagram: @dangodeassiphysio