Today’s Power To Change podcast is with Heidi Hutchinson, a 29 year old mom, who went through the 63 Day Fit For Photos program and did incredible. Heidi had to overcome something very challenging while going through Fit For Photos: her father was diagnosed with cancer.  While this would knock most people off their diet […]

Today’s Power To Change podcast is with Heidi Hutchinson, a 29 year old mom, who went through the 63 Day Fit For Photos program and did incredible.

Heidi had to overcome something very challenging while going through Fit For Photos: her father was diagnosed with cancer.  While this would knock most people off their diet and exercise game, not Heidi.  She turned things up a notch and used the news to fuel her fitness to a new level.

I can’t wait to share Heidi’s story with you.  You can listen to her podcast below:

Here is Heidi’s before picture along with some of her favorite after pictures:

Here are a couple of more recent pictures of Heidi:

Show Notes: Here’s What You’ll Learn In This Interview:

How she never stuck with a program before because there is so much confusing info out there, overwhelming her which made her give up
What is meant to be 221 pounds, miserable and have painful knees all the time
How she overcame the challenge of being in a new group with other women at different fitness levels and not compare herself with other people.
How she got sick with strep throat in week 6 and still persevered
How the support group got her through her bad days
How the other women’s belief in her helped her believe in herself.
The importance of the support of her husband in helping her get through the program
How she overcame the negative talk of her friends and family that could have sabotaged her efforts on the program
She changed her thinking from “I can’t eat that” to “I don’t eat that right now”
Her results – she lost 25 pounds and went to a size 16 to 12
How she sleeps much better at night, has energy and can keep up with her 2 year old kid.
At the time of the interview she was down 40 pounds and still going strong
How very manageable and simple Fit For Photos is to follow
How she’s turned into a role model for her 2 year old who eats healthy and chooses strawberries over ice-cream.
Why she treated the program as her “9 week rehab.”
How she was able to re-enter the real world after the program and continue to get results
How Fit For Photos was the first thing in her life that she finished
How losing another pant size feels better than eating a piece of cheesecake and how this thought process helps her to continue to get results.
How she is now doing mud runs and hikes and that fuels her to keep going
How clean eating helps the creativity when she writes a book
How she overcame her dad’s cancer diagnosis during the first week of the program, didn’t quit  and took things to a new level to rock the program
And much more

Ladies, if you’re ready to get hot for a photo shoot in 63 days, just like Becky did, just click here to check out the 63 Day Fit For Photos Express program.

I hope you enjoyed this Fit For Photos success story on the The Power To Change podcast and that you’ll be a regular listener.  I would welcome any feedback you have.  Please leave a comment below and click the LIKE button.