What if I told you that you’re never too old to transform your body and get a flat stomach? Or that you’re never too old to conquer your fears, like fear of heights.  Or a fear of water. Or even a fear of not being able to do something physically demanding, like climbing to the […]

What if I told you that you’re never too old to transform your body and get a flat stomach?

Or that you’re never too old to conquer your fears, like fear of heights.  Or a fear of water.

Or even a fear of not being able to do something physically demanding, like climbing to the top of a tall mountain.

Our next guest in the Power To Change podcast did all that at the age of 63!

Not only did she get to a size 4 for the first time ever, but she overcame her fears on our Keystone Fitness Adventure and topped it all off by hiking a 14,000 foot mountain.

And she shares her journey in this podcast.

Welcome to episode #44, a Fit For Photos success story with Debbie Pettigrew.

Subscribe in iTunes or on Stitcher Radio.

“In order for you to make a change, you have to want it for yourself.”

Check out Debbie’s before/after photo and some other pictures from her photo shoot.

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

How Debbie got to a size 4 for the first time ever – at age 63
The exact steps Debbie took to make sure she stuck to the program while traveling (she traveled 4 times during the 9 weeks)
The #1 nutrition strategy that she learn that she didn’t know about before
How the support group helped her through the tough times
How the first leap helped her get over the fear of ziplining
Her journey conquering her fear of whitewater rafting –  going from tears to having a team of women be there for her, to conquering the rapids – and the empowerment she felt afterwards
The importance of teamwork when hiking up a 14,000 foot mountain and how taking one step at a time got her through the rough moments
How her mindset changed after she conquered her fears
And much more

Debbie’s advice to those thinking about making a change, but have fears: “In order for you to make a change, you have to want it for yourself.  You can’t want it for a spouse or a parent or even your children.  It has to be for you and you alone.  You have to want to change and you have to realize that you can do more than you ever thought possible.  Don’t be afraid of failure.  If you think you can’t do it, you’ll probably end up not doing it by choice.  You’ll never know how successful you’ll be until you actually try it.”

Ready To Change Your Life?

Ladies, if you’re ready to look and feel beautiful, fit and strong in just 63 days, just like Debbie did, Just click here and join our next Fit For Photos Transformation Program

I hope you enjoyed this podcast.  Please feel free to leave any comments, feedback or questions that you have.