In 1994, she made a huge career change.  She quit her job and opened a gay and lesbian bar. What followed was 17 years of excess: she drank too much, ate too much, partied too much, dated too many women to count and spent much more money than she had. After 17 years of abuse, […]

In 1994, she made a huge career change.  She quit her job and opened a gay and lesbian bar.

What followed was 17 years of excess: she drank too much, ate too much, partied too much, dated too many women to count and spent much more money than she had.

After 17 years of abuse, her body almost self-destructed.  And at one point she found herself weighing 528 pounds, an alcoholic, broke and alone.

Fast forward 3 years and our next guest on The Power To Change has quit drinking, has lost a total of 252 pounds, went back to college after 25 years and is in a loving relationship.

And she’s also the author of a brand new book called, Pick A Struggle Cupcake

Her journey is one of perseverance and inspiration and she shares her story with us today.

Welcome to episode #58 of The Power To Change with Alana Faulk

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Some questions I ask:

What made you decide to open a gay and lesbian bar? Where were you in your life at that time?
Looking back on it now, in those 17 years of excess, what were you looking for?
On Jan 15, 2011 – you turned your life around.  What was it, on that day, that led you to making changes in your life?
How hard was it to stop drinking immediately and how were you able to do it?
As a recovering alcoholic, isn’t it a risk to work at a bar?
Share your weight loss journey.  Did you incorporate exercise with your new eating habits?
How vital was it have people support and help you when you were at your lowest point?
After you became broke, what did you do to start to climb out of that hole?
How has this experience of turning your life around helped you cope with the loss of your mother, instead of going back to your old ways to numb any pain?
Share 1 way you’ve been discriminated against
And much more

Continue Seeking Change:

You can connect with Alana on her Website | Facebook

And you can pick up a copy of Pick A Struggle Cupcake on Amazon

Did you enjoy the podcast?

I really enjoyed Alana’s journey and am so proud of how far she’s come.  I like that once she focused on her health, other areas of her life, such as her business, improved.  What area of your life would you like to change or improve upon in 2015?  Please share by commenting below.