He’s a world champion powerlifter and has squatted 1205 pounds, benched pressed 910 pounds and deadlifted 815 pounds and was known as the world’s strongest man. But secretly he was scared for his life. Nowadays, having lost 100 pounds, he prioritizes his goal of wanting a family and helps million dollar companies grow their brands. […]

He’s a world champion powerlifter and has squatted 1205 pounds, benched pressed 910 pounds and deadlifted 815 pounds and was known as the world’s strongest man.

But secretly he was scared for his life.

Nowadays, having lost 100 pounds, he prioritizes his goal of wanting a family and helps million dollar companies grow their brands.

In this interview we discuss the importance of learning from someone who has already done what you want, why you need to give first, and the best way to get over your fears.

Welcome to episode #50 of The Power To Change with AJ Roberts

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“If someone has already done whatever you want to do, you know it’s possible” – AJ Roberts

In This Episode, You Will Learn:

His story of coming to America as foreign exchange student with dreams of playing basketball
How he broke the world record in powerlifting (squat, bench press and deadlift combined)
How he gained 150 pounds during his powerlifting career and got to 320 pounds, had sleep apnea, paranoia and was scared for his life after watching the movie Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead.
The #1 reason he stopped his powerlifting career and how it possibly saved his life
The process he went through to set his goal to be the best powerlifter and how he did it
Why it’s important to learn from someone else who has already done what you want to do
Why he drove 4 hours each way to Westside Barbell every Friday to train
How he was able to set the world record by learning from people who could lift more than him in each lift
How he came up with his big why for wanting to lose 100 pounds
His process for building million dollar companies
What happens when you step out of your comfort zone and how to do it
How he got started in the business of fitness
Why jumping into something head first and delayed gratification are the way to go
How living life with the “go giver” approach as gotten him to where he is today
The importance of surrounding yourself with like minded people
And much more

“Your environment shapes your beliefs” AJ Roberts

Continue Seeking Change:

Visit AJ’s website and pick up a copy of his free book: Change Agents.

Connect with AJ on Facebook

Take a listen to AJ’s podcast, The Fitpreneurs

Check out these resources we mentioned on the podcast:  Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, The Go Giver, Give and Take, Westside Barbell

Ladies, ready to make a transformation?  Check out Fit For Photos

Did you enjoy the podcast?

I really enjoyed my interview with AJ, both the fitness and business topics we covered.  He shared so many golden nuggets that can take you far in life.   What part of this episode did you enjoy the most?  Post it in the comments section below and be sure to share this online and let AJ know your thoughts