In today’s episode we talk about how we often see difficult situations as a loss, but upon deeper inspection, some of our greatest lessons are revealed after the figurative dust settles in our lives. With the proper tools for coping and learning, we can take any struggle, brush it off, and in it, find some of our greatest strengths.

TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS PODCAST EPISODE: Struggles are part of everyone’s life, but they can reveal our strengths. Conditioning unwittingly holds us back. Give yourself permission to speak out and say how you feel. No one is born with issues; identify when it began and tap into that feeling, then reframe it into something positive. We often absorb other’s stresses without realizing it; it’s not your stress to absorb. Teaching children how to deal with stress prepares them for adulthood. We already have what we need inside, but we must learn to really listen and connect within ourselves to find the answers. Life changes require us to reinvent ourselves. Reinventing ourselves is not a ‘crisis,’ it’s a beautiful process of self-discovery. FIONA CLARK SAID:

“You have to look at the gift that you receive out of any challenge.”

“The gift I had out of this experience has brought me to who I am today.”

“When you’re thrown in the middle of the ocean . . . you have to learn how to swim [in] the right direction to really find out what you need.” 

“We can’t change what has happened but we can reframe it.”

“I like to think of [midlife] as a reinvention.”

“When i work with clients, the most empowering thing is to inspire them to help themselves.  I love to give them their own ‘toolbox’. . .”

“Don’t take their power away . . .  by telling them what to do.”


I have had one heck of a life so far and I can say I have truly lived up to this point. Despite the challenges I have no regrets as it has made the person I am today. I have been involved with personal development for many years triggered by a car accident 25 yrs ago where I had whiplash twice in that accident and then again in Jo’burg 3 months later when another car went into the back of me. That set me on a long and fascinating journey as I was recommended to see a Kinesiologist who ‘fixed’ my neck! I was so curious as to how so I studied it myself and the journey continued from there as I became obsessed by what was possible so trained I in Reflexology, Theta Healing, Solution Focused, EFT and obviously Coaching. Much of the training I completed while I was working for British Airways (for 17yrs) which was an education in itself.

I was married to a South African. In 2003 my ex needed a change of scenery so we moved to HK for 3 1/2 yrs and then to the Philippines where I continued my personal development. Shortly after we got divorced although I remained in the Philippines for a further 7 yrs. Whilst in the Philippines I built up a business, made some incredible friends and had a very supportive network of people. I also trained as a telephone counsellor which was mostly for the local market. I left Lala land and returned with my 2 boys who are now 19 and almost 18 nearly 4 yrs ago.. During the last year I have been working on the midlife niche as I understand the pitfalls of what midlife can bring! 

It is often spoken of as a time of gloom and doom or ‘crisis’ as we so often hear. However, I look at it as a time of reinvention and an exciting time to work out exactly who we are, which has often been lost in the ether somewhere along the line. So many of us reach this time of our life where we have spent many years looking after the needs of others and lose our identity and dreams in the process. I see this as a time to focus on ourselves and how we can connect to the wisdom within that may have got lost under the layers of conditioning! So often the questions I hear are ‘Is this it or What’s next? This is a time not to be wasted but valued as a new chapter in our book of life..

My boys are now on their way to being more independent which has left me time to focus on what I want which is so much. I see myself as a bit of a gypsy and long to do more travelling, meet more amazing people and sample every aspect of life that brings me joy and peace!

Ooo forgot to say the other two important members of our family are Twizzle (cross shitsu/yorkie) and Roxie (jack russell) both took the long journey from the Philippines as I couldn’t leave them behind even though I did think about it! My passions are yoga and cycling and last saturday I did the ‘Ride the Night’ 104 km or 65 miles from Windsor to London and back starting at 10pm which was a challenge in itself! It was all in aid of Breast, cervical and ovarian cancer. Loved it and my legs were in turbo mode on the way home! Working on the next challenge maybe London - Paris. Cycling for me is like a moving meditation and I often compare the challenge of it to the challenge of life!


Quotes are another tough one as hundreds I could mention!

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it within us or find it not!” Ralph Waldo Emerson.

One of my fav’s when I was going through greatest challenges is ‘Tomorrow is another day’.


Book to recommend - tough one as soooo many. Love Bruce Lipton The Biology of Belief


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Fb Group  Courage to be yourself

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