Welcome back (or to if it's your "first time!) to my weekly podcast No More Excuses! 

Are you willing to change? YOUR PERCEPTION THAT IS?! It's hard to sometimes isn't it? There's no proof that what you think will happen, someone will say... do or how they will react WON'T happen, so why should you change it? There's also no proof, but yet there is that your perception is just FEAR causing your mind to have CRAZY-ASS thoughts, create stories and keep you from achieving your success!

So... what CAN you do about it? Your world is safe! It's full of fuzzy slippers and comfy jeans... but is it also filled with bitching that you aren't getting what you WANT?! A lot of "that's ok, I didn't need to go... I didn't need to get... I didn't want that anyway..."? Hmmmm. 

Well, only YOU can change your perception! Last week I had you make a list of the why and what your perceptions where keeping you from doing. This week, listen in and then ADD "WHAT CAN/ARE YOU WILLING TO DO TO CHANGE THAT PERCEPTION?"

Email me! Post in the comments section. 
If you can't figure it out, email me to schedule a strategy session as they are a great way to get you on-track and moving in the right direction!

Have a great week - please SHARE this podcast!
