Welcome to the podcast, “No More Excuses” where we're kicking off the new year with a bang and setting you up for a year of crushing goals and living like a BADASS!

I’m Sandi your host and The BADASS Business Coach™!

This is the fourth week that I’ve shared business tips to help you kick-start your year and make sure you are creating momentum like a BADASS!

As we’re getting settled into the first month of the new year, it’s time for a progress check. This is when I have my clients – and myself - really look into how things are going – the good, the bad, the what the hell?!

**Ruthless Progress Reviews**: What's working? What's not? No sugarcoating, no mercy. **Adapt or Die**: Your plans not sacred. If it's failing, tear it apart and rebuild. **Unyielding Forward Charge**: Every day you're not advancing is a day wasted. 

So, once you’ve done your check-in, how are you doing? Like I said in Tip #1, BE HONEST! Once you identify how things are going, look at WHY!

Did you make progress... or NOT?

Listen in and decide: 

"If you really want something, you'll find a way, if not you’ll make BULLSHIT excuses."

Today I share a progress check with a client, AND something I realized after TWO years, wasn't working. It was time to make a change!

You know what I like to say:

"Business ownership is going to be work, but it doesn’t have to suck!"

And now, it’s time to get off your ASS, make the changes in your action steps and get back to it! So, what do you NEED to do?

AND today I share a hefty BONUS TIP on how to make progress on shit you don't want to do!

If you’re interested in that, email me!

Now… it’s time to TAKE ACTION!

Which tip helped you the most? Post, share, email me… find me!

Until next time... Stay BADASS!
