Welcome to the podcast, “No More Excuses” where we're kicking off the new year with a bang and setting you up for a year of crushing goals and living like a BADASS!

I’m Sandi your host and The BADASS Business Coach™!

Last week I started with three business tips to help you kick-start your year! It doesn’t matter if you’ve owned your business for many years or just getting started, these tips will help you revamp, recharge, and revitalize your business strategies!

Last week’s tips were:

    Develop your vision statement (or review it and make sure it’s still relevant)     Set your goals – long term, short term, just get them written down!     Create your plan – the plan is the road map, the HOW part of achieving your goals!

If you haven’t listened into last week’s podcast, you should as this week will build upon them – as will next week!

Now, grab your notepad, and listen in! [or watch on my YouTube Channel!]

Tip #4: Embrace Habits

Habits will help you stay consistent! Easy to start, hard to keep going... right? Habits help you create momentum and you'll see the progress you need to keep going!

Tip #5: Ruthless Prioritization

Time is your most precious resource, and it's time to get ruthless with it. It all has to get now, but unless you've figured out how to duplicate yourself, it can't! By prioritizing, you can stay on-task and get shit done! 

Tip #6: Embrace the Chaos

Business is messy, unpredictable, and downright wild. One of my taglines is “I help people manage the mania of business ownership!" Trying to find a way around the shit storm is not the way! Embrace it and enjoy the ride! And, pay attention to the lessons along the way!

Listen in and share which tip resonates with you the most and, which one you'll take ACTION on TODAY!

If you want all of the 10 tips go to my website BadassBusiness.Coach, enter your email and you will receive a downloadable PDF of all 10 even before they come out in the podcast.

Need help? Click here to schedule a FREE 30min meeting!

Until next time, stay BADASS!
