Welcome back to the podcast No More Excuses...

and Happy New Year!

Today is the beginning of a new year, but does that mean it needs to be a new YOU? NO! 

Whoever said that clearly needs to update their thoughts about themselves! We don't need a "NEW" YOU, we need to evolve, change and grow!

Today starts off a new Chapter for all of us, including myself. And with my podcast, my new chapter is having my first interview in years! If you've listened for awhile, you know it's just me rambling some shit, hoping to inspire and motivate you to STOP with the bullshit excuses! Then, I met Moza Bella! She inspired me to do something differently! And that is to have monthly guests!

I'm so lucky to have met her and have her on my podcast! 

Moza is a strong woman, who has written many chapters over the years and now she helps others do the same! She and her business partner, Scott, joined me for today's podcast.

Listen in and share what NEW CHAPTER you are writing!

And, if you want to do more, register now for my New Year, New Chapters: Real Talk to start the year STRONG! https://NewYearNewChapter.eventbrite.com