Welcome back to the weekly podcast No More Excuses!

Thank you for being here to listen or watch. And I'd appreciate if you'd continue to share the recording with others!

Yes, I LOVE rewards! I LOVE prizes! I LOVE treating myself for doing shit I don't want to do, and for achieving my goals. What about YOU? Today I talk about some ways I reward myself... and perhaps what I don't allow myself to do UNTIL I get my shit done!

Last Monday's podcast was about FOCUS. And think about it... rewards can help you STAY focused, especially on the shit you don't want to do! Treat yourself when you get those pesky tasks off your daily or weekly to-do list. REWARD yourself when you achieve that monthly GOAL!

If you "punish" yourself or perhaps don't allow yourself to hop on social media or watch tv or play Words With Friends [like I do] UNTIL you get things done, trust me, it will help! It helps ME!

Listen in today to hear what is on my "I don't wanna do list" and how by DOING it, I'm confident amazingly BADASS things will come from it, as well as a treat!

How do you REWARD yourself for getting shit done? 

I look forward to hearing from you! 

And if you can't figure out what to do, when, how, or feel you deserve a reward... contact me today! [email protected]

Let me help you GET SHIT DONE!

