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No More Dead Dads

30 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 2 years ago - ★★★★★ - 9 ratings

We help dads live longer and more intentional lives. Combating fatherlessness, the #1 biggest issue facing society today, is our mission. Dads around the world subscribe to improve their fitness, money habits, mental health, relationships, and home life. We share expert advice from doctors, financial advisors, founders, therapists, bodybuilders, life coaches and many more all to help dads achieve peak performance. Hear inspiring and vulnerable stories of forgiveness after abandonment, adoption after childlessness, peace after addiction, wealth after poverty, and laughs about the wonderfully challenging life of a modern dad. Subscribe and join us in the journey to peak performance as a modern dad. Your family, and really the world, depends on how you choose to show up. Learn more or get involved at or

Parenting Kids & Family Health & Fitness fatherhood parenting health wealth money mental health fatherlessness dad fitness nutrition
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Canadian Dads vs. American Dads: The State of Fatherhood and What We Can Do About It with Kevin Shafer

September 24, 2021 14:00 - 44 minutes - 30.3 MB

Our guest today, Kevin Schaefer has done an incredible amount of research about fatherhood in particular, how fathers in Canada compare to fathers in the US and what policies encourage or discourage a father's involvement and availability in the home in each country. He's an associate professor in the department of sociology at Brigham Young University. He's had over 40 peer reviewed articles. That's how I got in touch with him is I read one of his articles about childhood trauma and just ...

Why & How to interview your kids with real examples

September 14, 2021 03:00 - 14 minutes - 9.66 MB

Have you ever had a moment with your kids without any distractions and just sat there in silence because you didn’t know what to say or ask them? These are great opportunities that are unfortunately pretty rare nowadays. But in this episode, we’re going to talk about one thing - an easy routine - that can have a huge impact on your relationship with your kids and give you incredible insight into yourself. It will make those distraction-less opportunities more common and help you know what to...

Helping Kids Learn in Today's School System with Andy Rahden CEO of Shmoop

May 21, 2021 02:00 - 54 minutes - 37.7 MB

We’ve got Andy Rahden on the show today. He’s the CEO of a children’s supplemental education company, Shmoop - which is actually a Yiddish term that means to gain progress in or move forward. He’s an engineer by training and has a great career in tech, design, and education. He talks about what he’s seeing at founder and CEO of Shmoop as well as the state of education today.   Our three do or die takeaways for dads covered in this episode are:  Be careful labelling your child, especially a...

The Gift of Autism: What Parents and Kids Should Know with Jonathan Mueller CEO of Ascend Behavior Partners

April 16, 2021 16:00 - 43 minutes - 29.9 MB

Autism is a gift. The CDC estimates 1 in 54 kids are blessed to be on the autistic spectrum. That's the mindset parents with autistic kiddos usually come to, but it can real struggle to feel that way all the time. Unfortunately, it can take years to reach an official diagnosis and start behavior training and receive assistance to help a child's development and overall quality of life. That's where Jonathan Mueller and his team at Ascend Behavior Partners come in.   Jonathan is the founding ...

Finding Your Normal Amidst Family Struggle with Russel Newman

April 02, 2021 03:00 - 1 hour - 42.5 MB

What is your normal? How do you adjust to a new normals as your family grows or faces unexpected trials? Russel's story is all about thriving in new normals.  You may not know Russel, but you’ll know parts of his story if you’ve seen the movie, Wonder that came out in 2017 starring Julia Roberts and Owen Wilson. Or read the book Wonder that the movie was based on by RJ Palacio. It's about a boy born with Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS) and his family.  Russel is the real dad of that family...

How to Prepare Your Kids to Become College Athletes with KC Chhipwadia, CEO of Athlete Foundry

March 23, 2021 03:00 - 1 hour - 45.8 MB

93% of high school athletes don't play sports in college—mostly because they were never asked if they wanted to.  Too many dads simply don't know how to prepare their kids for college sports or they get started too late and the options available to their student-athlete suffer as a result. Beyond that, some parents and their student-athletes think they're at a disadvantage because of where they live or their lack of access to sport camps, expensive gyms, and tournaments. That's just not true...

How to Deal with Grief After a Father's Death with Devin Mattson

March 10, 2021 13:00 - 1 hour - 44.1 MB

Grief is an emotion we all experience in life. How long it takes to make peace with it depends on us.   And that’s a main theme with today’s guest, Devin Mattson. He’s a real estate investor and founder of Ethik, an ethical sourcing company. He’s a dear friend who has a unique approach to life’s challenges as he lost both his mom and dad to cancer when he was fairly young. He shares how losing his parents has changed how he approaches life such as health, grief, money, and relationships. An...

Dad Jokes Routine & the Benefits of Laughter

March 04, 2021 12:00 - 7 minutes - 5.53 MB

Ok, today is packed full of dad jokes. Why? Because I love to laugh and laughter has incredible benefits on your health physically and mentally. Try this, the next time you’re angry - just force yourself to laugh from your belly, like super big and goofy, and I guarantee you’re going to feel less angry maybe even completely not angry anymore. It’s amazing.   But I have a whole routine of dad jokes and I’m going to try to get through this without laughing at myself because I just love dad jo...

How to De-Escalate Anger in Your Kids and You with Kirk Martin

February 10, 2021 14:00 - 47 minutes - 32.7 MB

If you've ever gotten angry at your kids or if you've ever felt anxiety or helpless about your kids' behavior, then you need to hear this episode. Kirk Martin is the founder of Celebrate Calm and the Calm Parenting podcast. He has helped almost a million parents and teachers tackle some of the most challenging issues parents face like power-struggles, defiance and disrespect, bullying, sibling fights, de-motivated kids, kids with ADHD and so much more.  He gives specific concrete strategie...

Best financial advice for new dads: rethink "providing"

February 04, 2021 21:00 - 9 minutes - 6.74 MB

Society unfortunately seems to have reduced what it means to “provide” to be merely financial support. If a man is divorced, he must pay child support. And while that totally makes sense there is no additional requirement on how much time he must spend with his children unless he advocates for established visitation rights.  To society, it’s strictly financial. Unfortunately, this legal requirement bleeds into our father-culture. Dads think that so long as I’m bringing in a paycheck, I’m “p...

Shifting the Context: A Different Perspective on Being a Dad with Peter Docker

January 27, 2021 14:00 - 50 minutes - 34.8 MB

Peter Docker, father of 2, is on the show today. He’s served for 25 years in the British Royal Air Force, he has been a Force Commander during combat flying operations and has seen service across the globe. His career has spanned from professional pilot, to leading an aviation training and standards organization, teaching postgraduates at the UK’s Defence College, to flying the British Prime Minister around the world. Peter has also led multibillion-dollar international procurement projects ...

Why Every Dad Must Try a Plant-Based Diet for 3 Weeks with Dr. Neal Barnard

January 22, 2021 12:00 - 43 minutes - 30.1 MB

"Throwing out the animal products is the kindest thing that you can do for your family," says Dr. Neal Barnard, MD.  The leading cause of death for fathers in America is completely avoidable and in most completely reversible - it starts with what you put past your teeth.  In this episode, Dr. Neal Barnard explains why every dad should try a plant-based diet for 3 weeks. Let the results and how you feel physically and mentally do the convincing.  Dr. Barnard has seen many patients reverse ...

4 Keys to Raising Boys Who Will Respect Women

January 12, 2021 14:00 - 20 minutes - 14.1 MB

You don’t have to look very hard to find examples of men disrespecting women. Just watch the news or listen to the radio or even observe people at the grocery store, unfortunately it’s everywhere! And if we don’t course correct in our homes, our kids will be socialized to believe that disrespecting women is just normal.  The media helps raise awareness about harassment and violence, which is very important. But the media rarely talks about solutions. Solutions to prevent the problem from e...

Being a Father-Leader and 3 H's to Live By

January 06, 2021 14:00 - 46 minutes - 31.7 MB

You probably knew that there's a difference managing and leading at work, but what about in fatherhood? We too often just wing it at home as dads, but intentionally applying leadership principles at home can help us level up our relationships and outcomes within our family.  Today, we've got David Mead on the show. He's an international speaker, author, and an overall student of leadership. He's worked with over 250 organizations around the globe. Companies like Deloitte, Verizon Capitol On...

Money Tips for Better Family Travel with Kevin Payne

December 29, 2020 16:00 - 54 minutes - 37.3 MB

Did you know that 55% of working Americans do not use all of their paid vacation time? That's more than half and that's crazy. Those that did take vacation time, even fewer of them went on a trip with their family.     So today we're going to talk about money management so that you can plan more opportunities to travel with you and your family, because it's incredibly important. And I want you to be on the side that actually does prioritize family vacations, does take paid time off to travel...

Why You Need an Estate Plan with Cody Barbo, CEO of Trust & Will

December 22, 2020 13:00 - 40 minutes - 27.8 MB

Have you ever gone on a trip without the kids? Usually the first time you go without kids you ask a lot of “What if” questions. What if something happens to me? Who will raise them? What if this plane goes down, who will take care of our home and other assets? Today’s episode helps answer all those “what if” questions. Cody Barbo, a newly minted father and the CEO and co-founder of Trust & Will goes into why you need an estate plan. Trust & Will makes estate planning simple to do and easy ...

Our Inner-Guidance System & Good Decision Making

December 17, 2020 11:00 - 41 minutes - 28.3 MB

We make 35,000 conscious decisions each day on average. That's about 1 decision every 2.5 seconds.  That means we have tens of thousands of opportunities each day to practice good decision making. Marco Lopez, a dear friend of mine and international high performance coach and founder of the World Customer Economic Science, shares his insights about the mechanics of how decision-making applies to fatherhood and in our lives generally.  Months ago I actually went through Marco's online cours...

Our Inner-Guidance System & Good Decision Making with Marco Lopez

December 17, 2020 11:00 - 41 minutes - 28.3 MB

We make 35,000 conscious decisions each day on average. That's about 1 decision every 2.5 seconds.  That means we have tens of thousands of opportunities each day to practice good decision making. Marco Lopez, a dear friend of mine and international high performance coach and founder of the World Customer Economic Science, shares his insights about the mechanics of how decision-making applies to fatherhood and in our lives generally.  Months ago I actually went through Marco's online cours...

Managing Money and Your Wealth Mindset with Dave Lowell

December 14, 2020 11:00 - 52 minutes - 36.3 MB

Money often is the #1 source of stress for dads. Well, actually "money" isn't the source of stress, your mindset about money is.  Dave Lowell, CFP® started Up Your Money Game to help families reshape their wealth mindset and adjust their money habits to align with their life's priorities.  As a young father of 2 graduating from college, Dave realized he needed to learn how to "manage money" and what resulted was his journey into financial coaching.  His work has been featured in Forbes, U...

Building Mental Fitness at Home and Work with Johnny Hanna

December 09, 2020 11:00 - 46 minutes - 32.1 MB

1 in 4 adults in the US suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder according to John Hopkins research, and many adults have more than one mental disorder at a given time. This is why developing mental fitness is vital today. It's a skill that can be practiced and developed at a young age.  Johnny Hanna, serial entrepreneur and father of 8, shares how can you develop strong mental fitness yourself and in your kids. It’s actually simpler than you think and can start at any age.  He gives some ...

How to Say Sorry the Right Way

December 07, 2020 11:00 - 10 minutes - 7.22 MB

Saying sorry is more than just a handful of words, it’s a life skill. Yet so few of us master it.  Why?  Because saying sorry is hard! It goes against our natural instinct.  Think about where you learned to say sorry… chances are you learned in your home from your parents. How good were they at saying sorry? How often did you hear them say sorry to others? Or to you?  When we fail to teach our kids how to say sorry, we do them a terrible disservice.  It’s true that saying sorry doesn’t ...

Break Addictive Habits: Recovering from Obesity, Alcoholism, and Divorce with Steven English.

December 02, 2020 12:00 - 51 minutes - 35.7 MB

Our lives are composed of transformations, most small but some big. For Steven English, he has had several big transformations in his life that occurred a little bit each day.  From obesity to health, alcoholism to sobriety, and from divorce to healing, Steven shares inspiring stories that illustrate it is never too late to make restitution and seek personal redemption. He gives insights into how he broke the chain of alcoholism in his family and how being courageously imperfect and sharin...

Fostering 13 Children and Adopting 2 (soon to be 3) with Ricardo Ramos

November 30, 2020 13:00 - 45 minutes - 31.1 MB

On any given day, there are nearly 424,000 children in foster care in the United States.  Today's guest has great experience working with the foster care system and adoption. Over the years, Ricardo Ramos and his wife have fostered 13 kids, mostly toddlers and newborns. Through fostering, he's ended up adopting two kids, and one was finalizing the adoption process at the time of the episode.  Ricardo goes through his experiences of fostering and adoption, explains how the process works, an...

Finding Forgiveness After Your Dad Abandons You with David Lindes

November 23, 2020 13:00 - 1 hour - 42.6 MB

Forgiving someone daily for small things may sound doable but what about forgiving the worst offenses? Like your father abandoning you? How do you make peace regardless of the other person’s actions? David Lindes, musician, producer and author shares the emotional roller coaster of facing his father’s abandonment. After he became a father himself, David has a life changing experience coming to terms with that abandonment. He then goes on a quest to seek out his father, even hires a private ...

Saving 30,000+ Men with the Fit Father Project | Dr. Anthony Balduzzi

November 18, 2020 12:00 - 57 minutes - 39.5 MB

As a kid, did you watch your dad struggle with his health? Dr. Anthony Balduzzi did. The result was his dad eventually got so sick he died at 42 years young. A father’s premature death due to poor health is unfortunately too common these days.  The experience of losing his own dad to poor health led Dr. A on a mission. From medical school, to competitive bodybuilder, to entrepreneur starting the Fit Father Project, Dr. A is an expert on men's health and nutrition. And the results speak fo...

Saving 30,000+ Men with the Fit Father Project | Dr. Anthony Balduzzi

November 18, 2020 12:00 - 57 minutes - 39.5 MB

As a kid, did you watch your dad struggle with his health? Dr. Anthony Balduzzi did. The result was his dad eventually got so sick he died at 42 years young. A father’s premature death due to poor health is unfortunately too common these days.  The experience of losing his own dad to poor health led Dr. A on a mission. From medical school, to competitive bodybuilder, to entrepreneur starting the Fit Father Project, Dr. A is an expert on men's health and nutrition. And the results speak fo...

The Secret to Well-Behaved Children and More Time for You. (DIFTO Time).

November 16, 2020 19:00 - 11 minutes - 8.14 MB

10 minutes a day. That’s all it takes to have better behaved children, deeper relationships with your kids, and more time you too. Sound counterintuitive? Sound too good to be true? It's not. Listen to this quick episode to learn: Why do our children misbehave? A child's fundamental psychological needs of significance and belonging. The three ego states: Parent, Adult, Child How 10 minutes a day can help create bonds that last a lifetime.  Give this 10 minutes a day experiment a try. Af...

Define Your Identity, Purpose and Banish Busy | Fraser Cameron

November 12, 2020 12:00 - 1 hour - 44.2 MB

What is your definition of success? Are you stuck in the ridiculous race of being "busy all the time" and want to change but aren't sure how? This episode can help. Fraser Cameron is a sprint athlete from New Zealand, father of 2 and former commercial negotiation consultant turned professional life coach.  Years ago, his son asked him a question that hit Fraser like a ton of bricks. What followed was his journey of self discovery, true identity and purpose.  From quitting his day job to h...

Why No More Dead Dads?

November 06, 2020 18:00 - 13 minutes - 9.51 MB

Ask yourself this question: how can I be useful? Then start doing whatever constructive idea comes to mind. For Grant, the answer to that question was to start combating fatherlessness. This episode covers a personal story about fatherlessness and suicide, statistics about the effects of fatherless homes, and a review for what to expect in upcoming episodes. Listen and leave inspired to help dads everywhere live longer and more intentional lives. We each can contribute to the solution. ...


November 05, 2020 14:00 - 2 minutes - 1.6 MB

Welcome to No More Dead Dads where we help men live longer and more intentional lives.  In this podcast, we cover five key areas of fatherhood: your body your money your mind your heart your home Subscribe to get expert advice from doctors, founders, CEOs, bodybuilders, financial planners, life coaches, as well as inspiring and redemptive stories from adoptive fathers, men whose dads abandoned them, men rebuilding their lives after addiction and many other incredibly vulnerable interv...

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