Every runner goes through slumps. Life gets busy, the weather gets hot (or cold), and whatever “running mojo” looks like to you, you’ve lost it. I’m no different, and I’m in the midst of a slump now: the training I had planned for a fall marathon never really got off the ground, and my running for the past few months has been next to non-existent. But something is different this time. This time, I don’t feel guilty about it. Somehow (meditation, maybe?) I’m at peace with the slump. I’m not beating myself up for letting the marathon goal slip away. I can see this for what it is, without judgement, and in a strange way I feel free — with a newfound excitement about other types of training. As it turns out, co-host Doug is dealing with a running slump of his own. Except he’s one week away from a 50K, and his training looks a lot different from mine. In today’s episode, we talk about our slumps and how we’re embracing the lack of motivation instead of fighting it. If you’ve been in a slump recently, or you’re in one right now, this one is for you.