Here's a shocking stat:     It's estimated that the global weight loss industry — built around crash diets, liquid meal replacements, and appetite suppression — was worth over $220 billion in 2021.    And it's only growing year over year.    And yet, studies show that the vast majority of dieters (anywhere from 37-97%, depending on the study) consider it a failure.    Either they never lost the weight to begin with or gain it back as soon as they go off their diet.     There has to be a better way...   And according to Kiki Nelson, a bestselling author and founder of Plantiful Kiki, there is.    It's sustainable (so you don't regain the weight), flexible (no crazy crash diets), and does a whole lot more for your health than just helping you shed a few pounds.    As part of today's Headliner event, Kiki walks us through how she lost over 70 pounds on a bountiful plant-based diet, and what she has learned from year's of coaching others to do the same.  For additional resources, visit   And this week only, save up to 50% sitewide!