In today's episode, I interview my colleague, friend, and fellow life coach Kristen King. 

Kristen King, MBA, MPS, is a sweary life and business coach for womxn and femme folx who want to give fewer fucks. Her clients are sick and tired of having to be so freaking perfect all the time, and Kristen helps them reclaim their fucks so they can use them for the shit they actually care about — instead of spending all their time trying to be “good girls” and living up to other people’s expectations. She's on a mission to help 10,000 womxn fall in love with themselves and their lives in the next 5 years. In addition to being a coach, Kristen is also a mental health and wellness facilitator who loves helping people find compassion and connection with themselves as they learn to hold space for their own emotions. Her specialties are perfectionism, people-pleasing, anxiety, overwhelm, and burning down the motherfucking patriarchy one reclaimed fuck at a time.    Find Kristen online:  Website ( Fewer Fucks Gazette email list ( 100 Days to Fewer Fucks ( Facebook ( Instagram ( Twitter ( LinkedIn ( Japanese practice of repairing broken pottery with gold: 


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