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Matt's daughter is doing better. 


The North Korea Problem

North Korea 101

Hamas congrats N. Korea

Matt's Dagobah Aquarium

Ultra sonic mist

North Korean Defectors Try BBQ


Hello Fresh

Hello Fresh: Use Promo Code "NDQ30" to get $30 off.

Destin's wife Tara


Guest: Henry from MinutePhysics


Video Henry asks about where Destin blew up the Prince Rupert's Drop

How much does meat actually cost?


Where is the line in the sand?

Operation Paul Bunyan

Destin references about missile guidance

US patent for missile guidance method via magnetometer


Matt's video on Bible verses about meat from Strangled animals

Divides Aside Podcast from Emily Graslie and David Dault


Thanks to the 28.3 tons of people who support on Patreon

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Wrap Up Stuff

Destin's daughter shooting Rifle

--No Dumb Questions Eclipse Event--

Someone broke the Awesome barrier on Patreon, and the fifty cent pieces

--Matt's Italy Meetup--

Ready Player One

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