You hear so many success stories about property investors who have "made it"…Success doesn't just happen overnight. Success is a journey, not a destination. There is no success without discipline, consistency and patience. Your host, Nathan Birch, details the common hurdles first-time property investors experience when they try to fast track their way to success and the hidden reality of the whole investment property game.


Episode Notes:

(2:42) Self-proclaimed property "expert" preying on people's vulnerability.

(5:10) Things you need to know to protect your investment properties.

(6:54) Self-managing vs hiring a property manager.

(8:30) Avoid buying investment properties in flood and bush fire prone areas.

(12:00) How buyers should respond to buying in hot property markets.

(14:15) Property markets do not always trend upwards.

(22:28) Why investment property is a game of finance?

(24:50) Be careful of property spruikers.

(25:54) What does it take to be a successful property investor?



👉🏼 Listen to this week's episode while you're running an errand or on the road here. 


👉🏼 Have you been or currently are facing the challenges mentioned in today's podcast? Speak with an Investor Relations team member to see how we can help you grow your investment property portfolio here. 



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