On No Bones About It, Bryan sits down with Chris Hemmer, DNP, ANP-BC, RN, FAANP.

Topping the list of patient health issues in the ER are chest pains, abdominal pains, headaches, and MSK conditions such as fractures, dislocations, sprains, back or neck pain.

With primary care, back pain or other MSK pain are in the top five for complaints seen in clinics. Chris and Bryan talk about lacking specific ortho training as they began their own careers,  and how an NP may feel that lack of preparedness to assess and treat.

The quality of life issues with MSK have changed with an active, aging population -60 is the new 40. There are patients in their 80’s healthy enough to receive knee replacements.

With this aging population, there are opportunities and advances for the role of Ortho NPs and really Ortho certified RNs too.  This episode talks all about the resources to seek and the opportunities available with a professional organization.